The process of getting your dives up can seem overwhelming/tedious but really it is a GREAT opportunity!
On the road to professional diving there is a prerequisite to starting the divemaster course is 40 dives – meaning you have to have at LEAST 40 logged dives before beginning the course.

The OPPORTUNITY is to boat dive, wreck dive, reef dive, drift dive, cave dive! Opportunity to North shore dive, South shore dive, East shore dive, West shore dive!
Sharks Cove, Makaha, Corsair, Hanauma Bay, Seatiger, Haliewa Trench, Turtle Canyon, Maunalua Bay, OH MY!
Grow your dive numbers AND your island knowledge!
And see the different ocean environments around the island. This is a great way to start to build your expertise which you will need as a Divemaster and beyond. Certain areas of the island are more likely/popular for certain sitings. A monk seal and manta ray frequent the West-side/Electric Beach area. The East/South-side tends to be a great spot for drift diving.

Another great opportunity incorporated with building dive numbers by boat diving – is getting to watch Divemasters and instructors in their element. Learning by observing them in action is invaluable. This is why you are encouraged as a prospective Divemaster student to DIVE DIVE DIVE off of the boat!